CAFM: What It Is and How Can It Help Your Business?
Computer-aided facility management is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about phenomenons in the business world, thanks to its ability to empower companies to step into the digital space as far as their logistic chores are concerned. But before we explore CAFM, it is imperative to understand what it is. CAFM is a facility management software that provides valuable assistance with not only the daily management of things like desk space and conference rooms in the premises. Though, it also helps companies understand and analyze if the currently available space is in sync with their overall strategy and is conducive to the achievement of their goals.
Among other things, CAFM delivers expert support for the productive management of physical, financial, and human resources. And not just that, when all these factors are combined together, companies are able to gain insights. They are about the various aspects of their operations and processes that require attention, such as in the context of preventive maintenance. As a result, tasks like the physical placement of employees, space planning, and even reserving dedicated rooms in the company’s premises can be planned, executed, and managed efficiently with a few clicks of the mouse. That’s how potent CAFM is. Now, we will quickly explain how it can also help companies embrace the digital way of life when it comes to such fundamental tasks.
1. Agility: If there’s one thing companies know about working in this modern age, it is that mobility and high agility is an absolute must for ensuring productivity. In this context, CAFM helps by monitoring the business, evolving requirements; gauging employees’ productivity, and identifying and tackling any challenges that may come to the fore. It helps with enhancing workforce mobility and also integrate feedback from customers to determine and address any training-related needs.
2. Quantifiable reports: Reporting is so popular across the entire gamut of industries in the world today because they are so useful. And when it comes to facilities management, a CAFM solution helps by making it easy to generate relevant reports. And when you use a solution with integrated KPI-measurement tools, your CAFM tool is also able to provide insights about finances as well as employees’ productivity.
3. Mobile management: Besides agility, employees also need to be able to use modern solutions, especially mobile-based ones, to be as productive and effective at their jobs as possible. For help with this particular need of the modern-day workforce, there are plenty of CAFM solutions in the market that offer companies the ability to integrate advanced technology and tools like instant messaging solutions and the ability to manage mobile devices. It is critical to encourage employees to engage and use such tools. The companies seek to improve their output and the overall efficiency of the business’ processes and operations.
Any company that chooses to adopt a Computer-Aided Facility Management Solution has much to gain, including about efficiency, business growth, security management, and so much more. But be sure to strategize the implementation to ensure its success carefully.